Finnegans Wake, Ulster and Partition: The Sanguine Boundary Limit

Tuesday, 23 April 2024

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James Joyce Centre

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About this event

Please join us for a presentation about James Joyce's interrogation of Ulster and partition in Finnegans Wake by Dr. Donal Manning.

Please join us for a presentation by Dr. Donal Manning on Ulster's representation in James Joyce's Finnegans Wake.

While Joyce is mostly associated with Dublin, there is a wealth of references to Ulster in his work: its topography, its myth and legend, and its history. Joyce’s portrayal of Ulster as a complex amalgam of difference and inclusion, with critiques of separatism still relevant today.

Dr. Manning completed his PhD at Liverpool University. His thesis was on Ulster and unionism in Finnegans Wake. His book Finnegans Wake, Ulster and Partition: The Sanguine Boundary Limit was published last year by Cork University Press.

The James Joyce Centre is supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.