Stanford Centenary Concert

Image of Charles Villiers Stanford, with soloists and the Guinness Choir and Orchestra

Saturday, 11 May 2024

Event times:

20:00 - 21:30

Event location:

St Andrew's Parish Church

Event price:


About this event

This beautiful Choral performance celebrates one the great Dublin born composers – Charles Villiers Stanford and includes short pieces from acclaimed contemporary composers, Judith Ring and Jake Runestad.

2024 is the centenary of the death of the Irish composer Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924). Born in Dublin to a very musical family he quickly became an accomplished young musician. Perhaps best known as the teacher of such great English composers as Vaughan Williams, Stanford is increasingly recognised as an important composer in his own right.

The ‘Weaver’, by Judith Ring, commissioned by The Guinness Choir was first performed in May 2022. And we are delighted to introduce our audience to the Irish premiere of ‘Cello Songs’ by the highly acclaimed US composer Jake Runestad.

The Guinness Choir and its professional Orchestra will be joined by soloists Caroline Behan, Sarah Luttrell, William Pearson, and Matthew Mannion.